
3 Mindset Shifts we Need to Ditch

3 Mindset Shifts We Need To Ditch

”The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.” 


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3 Simple Ways to Develop Your Team

Who is responsible for developing your team?You are, of course!If that was the answer you were expecting to hear from...

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3 Ways to Cultivate Humble Leadership

We talk to leaders all the time about this truth: Leadership shapes human lives, and for that reason, it is sacred work.

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3 Ways to Build a Culture of Trust

A friend of mine shared a story with me from her recent weekend road trip. She and her family drove from middle to east...

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2 Ways to Prioritize Your Own Growth

By Julie Pierce, 4Sight Coach“Truly, the best thing any of us have to bring to leadership is our own transforming...

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