
What Antibodies Taught Me about Team Culture

A few years ago Pastor Larry Osborne and I were speaking at a leadership event and I heard him say something that I...

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2 Refrains that Lead to Change

Change is where leaders live. A large part of our responsibility as leaders is to identify when things need to change...

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3 Ways to Combat the Summer Lull

There’s a typical summer lull every year, isn’t there? Your team’s energy dips, their attentions are divided, their...

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Your Greatest Competitive Advantage

2021 was the year of The Great Resignation. Everywhere you look there is a “for hire” sign. Businesses are scrambling...

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How to Lead Change and Build Trust

Most people dread change because it often brings unknowns. One unknown is wondering, how will this affect me? Change...

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How to Think Differently In a Rapidly Changing Culture

You don’t need to be convinced that our world is constantly changing.  It feels like we’re navigating endless change.

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Create a Culture People Clamor to Join and Hate to Leave

Leaders are the keepers of culture. It begins, continues, and ends with you. It requires deliberate effort to cultivate...

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