
What are You Not Seeing?

Early on in my leadership journey, as a young, type A, dominant achiever, I was afforded the opportunity to manage my...

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3 Ways to Combat the Summer Lull

There’s a typical summer lull every year, isn’t there? Your team’s energy dips, their attentions are divided, their...

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Patience + Persistence Equals What?

Patience + Persistence Equals What?

Your organizational culture is building or eroding every day. Staff are coming and...

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3 Ways to Build a Culture of Trust

A friend of mine shared a story with me from her recent weekend road trip. She and her family drove from middle to east...

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Team Building: More than team bonding

Team Building: More than team bonding 

Team building gets a bad rap. Leaders think it’s fluffy, kumbaya, trust fall...

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4 Ways to Move Your Team from Languishing to Thriving

In a recent conversation with a leader we work with, a concern he raised really caught my attention. He said, “My team...

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3 Questions to Ask BEFORE Delivering Feedback

One of the 4Sight team members recently shared a memory of the first professional evaluation she ever received. Here it...

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