
Jenni Catron

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Women in Leadership Interview with Julie Pierce & Kristen West

Women in Leadership is a 6 month virtual coaching experience designed to help women thrive in their leadership and...

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What are You Not Seeing?

Early on in my leadership journey, as a young, type A, dominant achiever, I was afforded the opportunity to manage my...

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3 Simple Ways to Develop Your Team

Who is responsible for developing your team?You are, of course!If that was the answer you were expecting to hear from...

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The 6 “Be’s” of Communication

No one prepared younger me for the complexity of communication. Done poorly, it complicates our relationships and our...

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3 Ways to Worry Less and Plan More

Are You Planning or Mitigating Worry?

I’m a planner and a strategist by nature. If I’m honest, a lot of my...

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What Antibodies Taught Me about Team Culture

A few years ago Pastor Larry Osborne and I were speaking at a leadership event and I heard him say something that I...

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2 Refrains that Lead to Change

Change is where leaders live. A large part of our responsibility as leaders is to identify when things need to change...

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6 Questions to Ask (and Answer) to Improve a Struggling Culture

Every team has been impacted by the last couple of years but as the pandemic eases and routines are being...

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