
Organized for Chaos

“Most companies organize around personalities rather than around functions. That is, around people rather than...

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Why Your Strategy Isn't Working: 3 Critical Factors that Could Be Sabotaging Your Success

You’ve heeded all the best practices. You’ve gone to all the right conferences. And yet if you’re like most leaders,...

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3 Ways to Align Your Team

I’m a meticulous researcher prior to making a significant purchase. I always want to be sure to stretch my dollar as...

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Don't Make This Mistake

Do you find the pace of life and your daily leadership responsibilities astronomical? Maybe you’re moving up in your...

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How to Get Ahead of the Summer Lull

There’s a typical summer lull every year, isn’t there? Your team’s energy dips, their attentions are divided, their...

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3 Things Investing Well Will Cost You (And Why It's Still Worth It)

Both my husband and my father have dabbled in real estate investment over the years. The elements of finding the right...

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Back in 2021 as we were all navigating the challenges of remote work, a survey of U.S. employees found that nearly half...

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3 Questions to Ask BEFORE Delivering Feedback

One of the 4Sight team members recently shared a memory of the first professional evaluation she ever received. Here it...

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3 Signs Your Culture is Toxic

The last word that any leader wants to hear mentioned in a conversation about their team’s culture is the word toxic....

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